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Installing NodeJS on Your RaspberryPi

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Here’s how I installed NodeJS on my RaspberryPi:

Upgrade to the latest OS / Firmware

If you have not already upgraded to the latest version of Raspbian OS and the latest RaspberryPi firmware, I recommend following my RaspberryPi Quickstart.

Getting and Compiling NodeJS

Once your RaspberryPi is up to date, here’s how to download and compile NodeJS:

# Install some prerequisites
sudo apt-get install python g++ make

# Grab the latest version of NodeJS
mkdir ~/nodejs && cd $_
wget -N
tar xzvf node-latest.tar.gz && cd `ls -rd node-v*`

# Compile and install to your RaspberryPi
sudo make install

Please note that it takes about two hours to compile NodeJS.

Confirming Installation

You can confirm that NodeJS was installed correctly by running:

node -v
npm --help

That’s it! You’re ready to begin development.

Additional Reading:

If you’d like to do some additional reading about NodeJS or ways to access the GPIO pins on the RaspberryPi, check out:

  • NodeJS - NodeJS home page
  • pi-gpio - “node.js based library to help access the GPIO of the Raspberry Pi”
  • GpiO - “Talk to your Raspberry Pi’s GPIO”

If you have any other recommended resources please let me know!
